The Benefits of Aerial Yoga

Aerial yoga is a mind-body practice that looks at the practice of yoga from a different (and higher) perspective. Don’t worry – you don’t need to be an acrobat or an aerialist to give it a try!

What is Aerial Yoga?

In aerial yoga, a hammock is used to take the practice of yoga off of the ground. During a class, you’ll practice traditional yoga poses adapted for the hammock and fully workout your entire body while deeply relaxing in this unique, floating state. 

If you’re intimidated by the thought of an aerial yoga class, you don’t need to fret. At Swet Studio, we offer Beginner Aerial Yoga classes, where you’ll be safely guided through the basics of this practice. 

What Are The Benefits of Aerial Yoga?

Curious about what you’ll get out of an aerial yoga class? Here are just a few of the most noteworthy benefits of aerial yoga. 

1. Improve Strength & Flexibility with a Full-Body Workout

Physically, one of the greatest benefits of aerial yoga is the ability to get a full-body workout. During an aerial yoga class, you’re engaging all of your muscles. Every pose requires you to build your strength and increase your flexibility in different areas of the body. At the end of class, you’ll have completed a well-rounded workout. 

2. Increase Core Strength

It’s no secret that a strong core is essential not only for your workouts but for your safety as you move throughout your day-to-day routine. Yoga on its own is already wonderful for your core strength, but when you take it off the ground, you’re going to experience the maximum effects on these foundational muscles. 

3. A Cardio Workout Without the Impact

Aerial yoga is a low-impact cardio workout that won’t put too much strain on your joints. In a study by Western State Colorado University, researchers found that a 50-minute session resulted in cardiovascular effects similar to low to moderate-intensity exercises. Additionally, after the six-week program, researchers found that the participants saw improvements in many health risk factors, such as their blood pressure, weight, and body-fat percentage. 

4. Alleviate Back Pain 

Inversions in the aerial hammock allow you to counteract gravity deeply. This gives you the chance to take some serious tension off your joints, which is particularly beneficial for those dealing with back pain. Aerial yoga allows you to decompress and lengthen your spine while aligning your vertebrae. 

5. Connect to Mindful Awareness

There are many physical benefits of aerial yoga, but we can’t neglect to mention how it affects our mental wellbeing. Aerial yoga requires intense focus, meaning you’ll be fully present as you move from pose to pose. Additionally, the meditative aspects of the practice allow you to turn inwards and mindfully connect to yourself. 

6. Relieve Stress

Traditional yoga reduces stress, and aerial yoga takes those stress-reducing abilities to the next level. Not only does the workout increase the production of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins (AKA the “happy hormones”), but the unique and fun experience of floating in the air allows the stress of the day to melt away. 

Give Aerial Yoga a Try

If you want to experience the mind-body benefits of aerial yoga, give it a try at Swet Studio. New clients can check out our commitment-free Intro Specials to explore all of the classes Swet Studio has to offer.